Living Well

Enhancing the Quality, Effectiveness, and Monitoring of Home and Community-Based Services for Adults with ID/DD

Model Approaches for Living Well

These Projects of National Significance seek to strengthen HCBS systems and promote the health, safety, independence, and participation of people with disabilities. Grantees will work with a broad coalition of state stakeholders to:

  • Support professionals working directly with people with disabilities
  • Promote the leadership of self-advocates and families
  • Promote the use of evidence-based and promising practices such as supportive decision making, person-centered planning, and competitive integrated employment
  • Address abuse and rights violations in the HCBS delivery system
  • Increase the capacity of states to provide HCBS in integrated settings.

Each grantee collaborates with a number of partners, including their State Medicaid Office, and at least one agency that provides direct services to people with developmental disabilities.

All are guided by advisory committees which include people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and family members.

The Living Well Georgia Project aims to:

  1. Increase staff knowledge and skill in supporting people with IDD to be self-determined and included in the community through targeted training in Supporting Informed Decision Making and Supporting Social Roles.
  2. Create career paths through professional development for direct support staff to meet demand for services through the implementation of Direct Course’s College of Direct Support and engagement with the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals.
  3. Enhance monitoring using Therap’s electronic service tracking and reporting technologies including their Business Intelligence platform for data aggregation and trending.
  4. Develop a replicable collaboration between HCBS stakeholders to enhance quality.

Planned products include a ‘blueprint’ for enhanced quality monitoring using electronic records, a guide for enhancing quality through targeted staff development, a conceptual framework of the model for replication, and publications/presentations on project successes and challenges.


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