The research conducted in our laboratory aims to identify and define the beneficial role of bioactive food compounds and functional foods on optimal health in humans. We utilizes translational large animal models and human cohorts to elucidate the mechanism of action of food components on inflammation and neurocognition.
Recent Awards
Virginia Wilbanks Kilgore Scholarship, UGA College of Family & Consumer Sciences, 2021, Jaclyn Barta
Graduate Student Degree Accelerator Award, University of Georgia, 2021, Julie Jeon
Franklin Foundation Imaging Grant, University of Georgia, 2020, Stephanie Dubrof
Faculty Mentoring Undergraduate Research Award, UGA College of Family & Consumer Sciences, 2020, Hea Jin Park
Endsley-Peifer Student Research Award, UGA College of Family & Consumer Sciences, 2020, Xi Fang
Super-Includer Award, UGA College of Family & Consumer Sciences, 2018, Hea Jin Park
GGBC Illumina Micrbiome mini-grant competition Winner, 2018, Julie Jeon
View all Foods and Nutrition Awards
Research Projects
Maternal dietary supplementation and perinatal cognitive development
Stephanie Dubrof, Jillien Zukaitis
Funding: USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Egg Nutrition Center
Neuroinflammation and gut function in brain injury
Dietary behavior and nutrition status in patients with traumatic brain injury
Jaclyn Barta
Our Team

Dr. Hea Jin Park
Associate Professor

Ms. Stephanie Dubrof
PhD Student

Ms. Soon Lee
PhD Student

Madison Walsh
MS student

David C. Johns
Undergraduate researcher

Eliza H. Stojkov
Undergraduate researcher

Dr. Julie Heejin Jeon

Ms. Jaclyn R. Barta

Ms. Jillien Zukaitis

Dr. Xi Fang

Ms. Jennifer M.Fleming